Sunday, March 4, 2007

Developing "taste"

Let's see . . . where was I . . . oh yes! So, my point about the odd foods I like was this: "taste" is developed by positive exposure over an adequate length of time. This rejoins the post Alicia made about peanut butter and orchestration. I think that the more positive experiences you have orchestrating (or writing any kind of music), the more inclined you will be to try a repeat of the experience. The converse may also hold true.
Can we try to change Abigail's, "some days I like it but other days I don't," into, "Oh, I always love it when . . ."
Does the difference make sense? I think that developing taste depends not on our whimsy but on our habit-forming experiences. I think there is a difference. That's why I like fried catfish and calmatta olives all of the time.

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