Wednesday, March 7, 2007

My Cooking is Boring and Bland

I think I can relate to Alicia. Today I went back to my orchestration of the Spanish melody only to find that I didn't like it very much. I listened with the headphones and declared to Zach and Dave S. that it was hideous. They then informed me that the volume was so loud that they could hear it perfectly even through the headphones!
I intended for it to be simple, but it almost seems too simple. Sometimes I'm not sure how to "spice it up". Sometimes I'm like the cook that is afraid to experiment outside of what I already know, lest something go frightfully wrong! My knowledge of orchestration seems so slim right now.
I love studying orchestral works. I love seeing how they produced the sounds. Somehow I'm not able to translate that into my assignments. Not that I expect to write as good, but that I should be able to apply some of the principles in smaller ways. But when I write it's as though I'm still thinking with choral limitations.

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